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Neurosity SDK

The Neurosity software processes and manages the data produced by Neurosity headsets which measures, tracks and monitors EEG brainwaves.

The SDK is built with privacy and simplicity in mind. Our mission is to build the next major computing platform. A platform that learns from you. The first step in building this platform is to make applications that add value to people's lives.

We've created the SDK to empower developers to build neuro-driven and accessible apps, quickly and easily.

We know some of the best apps will be written by the community, so we've open-sourced the SDK to provide visibility and transparency to our users.

This documentation describes:

  • How to authenticate, query, train, and use Neurosity devices
  • How to take advantage of the SDK
  • Where to find guides and code samples to help you get started

Jump right over to building your first:

What can the SDK do?

Here are some examples of what you can achieve with the SDK:

  • Authenticate and access Neurosity devices - Authentication
  • Allow Neurosity users to connect their account to your third-party app - OAuth
  • Get device info and status - Info or Status
  • Check signal quality - Signal Quality
  • Get a persons's mental states metrics - Calm or Focus
  • Train a new motor-based thought - Training
  • Use a trained thought for control - Kinesis
  • Interact with system haptics - Haptics

How to use the SDK?

Building a good application with the SDK can take a lot of effort. Here is what each section of the API docs can help you with:

  • Get Started teaches fundamental concepts for using the SDK
  • Guides includes in-depth guides on various SDK development topics, such as ethics and training.
  • References contains exhaustive references for the SDK.

Looking for help?

If you have questions for extension development, try asking on:

  • Discord Community: Public chatroom for Neurosity developers. Some Neurosity team members chime in conversations.
  • Feedback Portal: Have a feature request? Found a bug? Submit your feedback to us.
  • Knowledge Base: There are over a dozen articles for getting started and developing with the Neurosity SDK.

If you have questions or issues related to the Neurosity SDK, please open new issues at Neurosity/neurosity-sdk-js as well.