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Device Selection

When using the Neurosity SDK, there are 3 ways to select which device you wish to connect to. The options are:

  • Automatic Device Selection (recommended)
  • Ahead Of Time Device Selection
  • Manual Device Selection

Automatic Device Selection

The easiest way to communicate with your device is via automatic device selection. This method is the best if you only own 1 device. Simply instantiate the Neurosity class and it will automatically fetch your claimed device and select it. That's it.

import { Neurosity } from "@neurosity/sdk";

const neurosity = new Neurosity();

Ahead Of Time Device Selection

This method is especially useful if you have your Device ID available. Simply pass it as an option when instantiating the Neurosity class.

import { Neurosity } from "@neurosity/sdk";

const neurosity = new Neurosity({
deviceId: "..."

Manual Device Selection

Selecting a device manually is the way to go when the user owns multiple devices. It's also the recommended approach when building Neurosity apps for other people to use.

A common use case for manually selecting a device is when you wish to build a device dropdown a user can select from, instead of collecting the Device ID from the user ahead of time.

The 3 steps to manually selecting a device are:

  • Set autoSelectDevice to false when instantiating the Neurosity class.
  • Authenticate with your Neurosity account to access your devices by calling the neurosity.login(...) function.
  • Call the neurosity.selectDevice(...) function with a device selector function or field/value combination.
import { Neurosity } from "@neurosity/sdk";

(async function main() {
const neurosity = new Neurosity({
autoSelectDevice: false

await neurosity.login({
email: "...",
password: "..."

// select via field/value
await neurosity.selectDevice(["deviceNickname", "Crown-A1B"]);

// or select via selector function
await neurosity.selectDevice((devices) =>
devices.find((device) => device.deviceNickname === "Crown-A1B")

The devices list contains all claimed devices by the Neurosity account the user is authenticated with. The shape of each device is called DeviceInfo, and it contains the following attributes:

type DeviceInfo = {
apiVersion: string;
channelNames: string[];
channels: number;
deviceId: string;
deviceNickname: string;
manufacturer: string;
model: string;
modelName: string;
modelVersion: string;
osVersion: string;
samplingRate: number;

You can select a device based on any attribute. For example, you could select a device based on the model. The following example selects the earliest claimed Notion 2 device.

import { Neurosity } from "@neurosity/sdk";

(async function main() {
const neurosity = new Neurosity({
autoSelectDevice: false

await neurosity.login({
email: "...",
password: "..."

await neurosity.selectDevice((devices) =>
devices.find((device) => device.model === "Notion 2")

Accessing the list of devices

import { Neurosity } from "@neurosity/sdk";

(async function main() {
const neurosity = new Neurosity({
autoSelectDevice: false

await neurosity.login({
email: "...",
password: "..."

// Devices are ordered by `claimedOn` date asc
const devices = await neurosity.getDevices();

Accessing selected device

import { Neurosity } from "@neurosity/sdk";

(async function main() {
const neurosity = new Neurosity({
autoSelectDevice: false

await neurosity.login({
email: "...",
password: "..."

// Access device when selecting
const selectedDevice = await neurosity.selectDevice((devices) =>
devices.find((device) => device.deviceNickname === "Crown-B1C")

// Or every time the device selection changes
const selectedDevice = neurosity
.subscribe((selectedDevice) => {

If you own multiple devices, and don't set autoSelectDevice to false, then the earliest claimed device on the list will be automatically selected.

Switching devices

Selecting a device can only be done once. For switching between devices, simply:

  • Disconnect the current Neurosity instance by calling neurosity.disconnect()
  • Create a new Neurosity instance.