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Constantly fires and predicts user's calm level from passive cognitive state based on the alpha brainwave between 7.5Hz and 12.5Hz. Calm is a probability from 0.0 to 1.0. To get calm over 0.3 is significant. Calm will take up to 16 seconds to initialize. We normally take a longer rolling average of calm to produce brain processes over time, see how we do it in our flow walk through.

Things that can help increase the calm score are:

  • Closing your eyes for 30 seconds or more
  • Seating or standing still
  • Breathing exercises
  • Meditating
import { Neurosity } from "@neurosity/sdk";

const neurosity = new Neurosity();

neurosity.calm().subscribe((calm) => {

// { probability: 0.34, metric: "awareness", label: "calm", timestamp: 1569961321101 }
// { probability: 0.41, metric: "awareness", label: "calm", timestamp: 1569961321105 }
// { probability: 0.45, metric: "awareness", label: "calm", timestamp: 1569961321110 }

// Demo
neurosity.calm().subscribe(({ probability }) => {
if (probability < 0.25) {