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Bluetooth for React Native

⚠️ Requires: Neurosity OS v16+, to be released in January 2023

Adding the Bluetooth transport for React Native requires the react-native-ble-manager library. Install the library and set up the permission as per their documentation before moving to the next step.


import { Notion, WebBluetoothTransport } from "@neurosity/sdk";

export const neurosity = new Notion({
autoSelectDevice: true


import { Neurosity, ReactNativeTransport } from "@neurosity/sdk";
import { NativeModules, NativeEventEmitter, Platform } from "react-native";
import BleManager from "react-native-ble-manager";

export const neurosity = new Neurosity({
autoSelectDevice: true,
bluetoothTransport: new ReactNativeTransport({
bleManagerEmitter: new NativeEventEmitter(NativeModules.BleManager),
platform: Platform.OS
streamingMode: "bluetooth-with-wifi-fallback"

When using Bluetooth, there are 2 streaming modes you can choose from:

  • wifi-with-bluetooth-fallback
  • bluetooth-with-wifi-fallback

Bluetooth Connection State

const { bluetooth } = neurosity;

bluetooth.connection().subscribe((connection) => {
console.log(`Bluetooth connected is ${connection}`);

The following connection states are possible:

SCANNING = "scanning",
CONNECTED = "connected",
CONNECTING = "connecting",
DISCONNECTING = "disconnecting",
DISCONNECTED = "disconnected"

Auto Connect

By default, the Web Bluetooth transport will attempt to auto connect to the selected device. To disable this behavior, set the autoConnect transport option to false:

import { Neurosity, ReactNativeTransport } from "@neurosity/sdk";
import { NativeModules, NativeEventEmitter, Platform } from "react-native";
import BleManager from "react-native-ble-manager";

export const neurosity = new Neurosity({
autoSelectDevice: true,
bluetoothTransport: new ReactNativeTransport({
autoConnect: false
bleManagerEmitter: new NativeEventEmitter(NativeModules.BleManager),
platform: Platform.OS
streamingMode: "bluetooth-with-wifi-fallback"

It is also possible to enable or disable this behavior at runtime:

const { bluetooth } = neurosity;


// or
